Council in West Vancouver, B.C., voted Monday to move ahead with the sale of a beachfront property that includes a century-old public path leading to a popular beach.
The path to Altamont Beach at the bottom of 30th Street, adjacent to a property at 3000 Park Lane, is now set to become private property after the district voted to package it with a municipally owned lot in order to incentivize its sale for over $6.5 million.
A report to council notes that the concerns voiced by many residents over the loss of the path influenced the buyer's decision which was supported by the Realtor, West Vancouver Mayor Mark Sager and a majority of council.
Realtor Holly Calderwood said the Buyer's, myself and corporate discussed this at great length. The council originally wanted and we agreed upon and negotiated a 3 ft Right of Way on the east side that was suppose to be for Utility access. After much public feedback and pushback we thought this was the best and only way to make this work to put the pathway on the East Side ROW and thought this was a win win to help please the community and council and a way to give back to the community.
But as part of an amended motion that was passed on Monday, the buyer of the property says it will work with the district to add a new path to the east of the current one, and will allow the public to use the current trail until construction on a house is completed. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE